变形金刚中文 维基


这是一篇关于古代变形金刚团体的文章。欲查看未出版的漫画系列,请跳转至 变形金刚:十三元祖。

——引天行 ,“引天行:序”

十三元祖是最早的由元始天尊 创造的变形金刚 。巨大而且强大。每个人被授予神圣的名字,并且被赋予独一无二的能力和天性去对抗元始天尊的古老敌人——宇宙大帝

主流多元宇宙 钛师傅 先觉者 马克西莫大君 震天尊(堕落金刚) 引天行
Logos Prime 经天纬 凤天翔 赛天骄 炼天石
Aligned脉系 先觉者 引天行 钛师傅 赛天骄 微天星
炼天石 经天纬 凤天翔 贤天师 显天灵
马克西莫大君 震天尊(堕落金刚) 擎天柱

概念历史[ | ]


The concept of the Thirteen has only been around for about a third of the Transformers brand's thirty-year history, and the slow drip-feeding of information that characterised the early stages of their story wasn't been presented in a very linear manner. The development of the concept is described in this section to minimize confusion; for details of their history and actions in specific bits of fiction, see below.


成员[ | ]

多元宇宙[ | ]


Within the multiverse in which most Transformers fiction occurs, the Thirteen are multiversal singularities—across all the different universal streams, only one incarnation of each of the Thirteen exists, moving between worlds. The group's roster has not been fully revealed, and known members include:

Prima - The first Matrix-bearer and first Transformer born from Cybertron, the leader of the Thirteen.[4]


IDW[ | ]

待编译…… The Thirteen shown in IDW's The Transformers seem to have more in common with the Thirteen of the Aligned continuity family than the "Multiverse Thirteen"; additionally, it is unclear whether the Thirteen shown here are the same group as the traditional "original thirteen transformers", as they have only been shown as the leaders of the Thirteen Tribes.


剧情[ | ]


The Fallen was thwarted in his attempt to sabotage Primus' physical form, and the Thirteen allegedly died after casting the Fallen and his master Unicron through a black hole into another dimension. In truth, the Fallen was imprisoned in another dimension, while Alpha Trion kept watch over the Transformers in the Well of All Sparks and Primus entered his eternal sleep to hide from Unicron. Transformers: The Ultimate Guide


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