变形金刚中文 维基

气浪 (G1)//Airwave (G1)。

这是一篇关于微型战士的文章。欲查看出自Aligned脉系的全尺寸变形金刚,请跳转至 气浪 (领袖之证)。

气浪是一名霸天虎 微型战士 ,出自G1连续系族

Airwave con


如若犯罪没有酬劳,气浪则会罢工。塞伯坦内战 前,他曾是一个空军基地的巡查员,负责寻找和报告被盗物与走私物……但假如你稍稍贿赂他一下,他便会睁一只眼闭一只眼。当霸天虎开始走私行动时,他愉快地加入了 — 只要威震天 继续让他在黑市活动。



剧情[ | ]

DW G1脉系

Airwave was at the bar in Little Iacon, lying face down on a table. For some reason. The Gray Race

玩具[ | ]

G1[ | ]


I am a spaceship who's looking for love.

Airwave (Micromaster Station, 1989)

Accessories: Airport base, 2 missiles, ramp

A redeco of the Air Strike Patrol member Nightflight, Airwave transforms into a Grumman F-14D Tomcat fighter jet. He was sold with an airport hangar that transforms into a missile base and can connect with other Micromaster bases via modular ramps.

This mold was released without changes in Japan as Overair. It was also used to make the Zone Autobot Nightflight.

More information on Airwave at TFU.info

注释[ | ]

As a redeco of Nightflight who was gang molded with Tailwind, Airwave, by necessity, shares plastic colors with his fellow Micromaster Station toy Hot House.

Foreign names

French: Sonar (Canada)

Italian: Lancer

参考[ | ]

1.TFWiki--Airwave (G1)
